Members of ASERG will present at SHU Transforming Learning conference on 13th and 14th September.

Dr. Carlos da Silva will present on 13/09 Session 1 Room 6 the results of the SHU Development Process project, which created a bespoke software process for students of Computer Science and Software Engineering degrees, taking into consideration the complexities associated with the different levels of study. The SHU Dev Process has been detailed by two student researchers to define guidelines for helping students with their course work that involves software development.

Dr. Marjory da Costa Abreu will present on 14/09 Session 4 Room 6 the results of the project “Understanding and improving the experience, engagement and attainment of international students” in collaboration with Dr. Kiefer Lee from the Department of Management. The project aims to understand and improve the experience, engagement and attainment of international students, working with two student leads as researchers to co-develop effective approaches to curriculum delivery, assessment and learning support that meet the needs of international students to help close the attainment gap. The outcomes provide valuable qualitative insights into how international students experience and engage with learning within SHU and make recommendations for improving student experience and attainment.

You can reserve your place at the conference here.